Garden Update July 20 2024

There have been a few changes to the garden over the last week. First, I’ve torn down the fence that I surrounded it with, as I’m not really too concerned anymore about the kind of pests that a fence deters.

Second, I put togehter a nearly 3-foot tall metal raised bed from Epic Gardeningwhich should do much better at keeping out insects and retaining water than my previous cedar plank & brick raised bed was.

Third, I ordered some olla bottles off the internet to help with watering. I think this will help with keeping the soil consistently wet, as opposed to just giving it a deluge of water every morning or afternoon.

Not sure what I want to plant in the new raised bed yet. I am thinking of waiting until the weather cools down a bit and planting a bunch of greens. Feel free to send suggestions to me via email.

New raised bed & olla bottle

One of my tomato plants has unfortunately fallen victim to a caterpillar, who is really going to town. I’ve pretty much conceded the plant to him, as I’ve already harvested as much as I think I’m going to get this season, and I have 2 others that are still producing bigger fruit due to being pruned earlier, and having a more extensive root structure. I also just want to watch it turn into a pupa and then a moth (not a butterfly unfortunately).
