Garden Update June 9

Harvested my 4 slicing cucumbers today.I waited too long to harvest a couple of them, so the seeds were fully developed and hard, and the fruit itself was less sweet. One of them looks just about right though, so I’ll probably eat that one in my lunch this week.

overripe cucumbersgood cucumber

I will probably harvest my first zucchini in the next week, which I’m naturally excited for. I have limited horizontal space in the garden, so I’m looking into ways I can grow my next plant vertically. Zucchin is probably the biggest plant in my garden, and seemed to grow almost overnight from a wee seedling to uncomfortable proportions.

Tomatoes are coming along nicely, and I’ll probably have many more this week as well. I’ve begun shading the garden with burlap, which is helping keep it cool as far as I can tell. Soon I will finish bordering the area with rocks and bricks, put down a layer of cardboard, and then a layer of woodchips to keep the crabgrass and weeds at bay. I’m trying to decide if I want to expand the area of the garden before doing this. If any readers have input on this, feel free to email me at the address on my contact page.