Tomato Update June 8

First tomatoes have been harvested. Perhaps a day or 2 early, but whatever. They taste great, one burst just as soon as I bit into it. Great stuff, and I’m patting myself on the back for a job well done.

harvested tomatoes

However, there are many more to be harvested from this plant alone, and a whole other plant that’s just begun flowering. The tomatoes on this first plant came out a little smaller than I was hoping for, so I’ve pruned it and the other plant to allow for a better harves on subsequent fruit.

I’m hoping to make some structural improvements to the garden itself in the next few weeks that will add shade, aesthetic value, and keep snakes and weeds from setting up shop. Additionally, I should have a harvest of zucchini and cucumbers soon. I’m excited to be rid of my zucchini plant, as it’s grown too big and seems to attract more bugs than other plants.